All you need to know about the C E O of DEE JAY JEFF ENT. WORLD.
Date of birth: 5th of Nov 1994
name: Jeff Sammy Irem
Nationality: Dual citizen [Spain, Nigeria] Best food: African Dish
Best colour: Black, white,blue
Best friend: Everybody
Pry schl attended: St, Bernadette Primary school
Sec schl attended: HoneyLand Int`l
Institution: Lagos State Polytechnic
Course of study: Civil Engineer
Family and background: I am from the family of 5 like I had initially told you before the interview, I happen to be the first child of mr&mrs Sammy S., my dad is a Spanish from Madrid while my mum is Cross River State Nigeria and that makes me a dual citizen of both Spain and Nigeria
Q: how come you study Civil Engineer and you find yourself in Entertainment which is not related at all?
A: Well, I studied that course specifically because of my dad’s passion for a civil engineer, he wants me to be an engineer so I had to do it in other to please him
Q: in doing that, weren’t you displeasing yourself?
A: At all, I was also a Science student but had passion for Music and Entertainment generaly
Q: I haven’t heard of your song, do you also sing or just Dj?
A: for now I am into laying as a DJ and also producing, even Don Jazzy didn’t start singing initially but I think I am happy with my Dj for now maybe later I might handle the microphone who knows
Q: You are a DJ, so how come about your DJ Jeff Entertainment?
A: like I said earlier on, my passion for music brought me this far and I wouldn’t love that passion to die just within me, iso I thought of Setting Up a Studio where I can also groom my own in any little way I can to help those upcoming boys and girls in any possible way I can
Q: so can you tell your Audience and Viewers about you Entertaiment Company?
A: sure, why not? DEE JAY JEFF ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY is a faster growing company, founded in 2015 and since then I have to a large extent groomed a star now name by Darling G, he has dropped series of singles and we are currently working on his Album which will come out later this year
I also have shop in Alaba we I have someone operating on it, we are not just into production of Good music, we also promote Online via djjeffmusic and we promote via CDs and we also promte alaba and mixtapes and also a site where you can download your favourite songs, Djjeffmusicdontcom
Q: where are we hoping in seeing your company in d next few years?
A: Dee Jay Jeff music Entertainment is looking forward to being one of the fastest star promoter in the Entertainment Industry, we also want to present ourself to the world that we can do what others are doing and we are gonna do it right
Q: how do d upcoming locate you nor any member or staff of your company?
A: Well!, it is very easy to locate us, they can locate us@ our head office @. 10 Ademuyiwa Street, Seliat Bus sto Egbeda Lagos or via our email,officialdjjeffmusic@
Facebook @clubdeejay jeff
Instagram @djjeffxclusive
Twitter @djjeffexclusive
Contant us on:
C.e.o : officialdjjeffmusic@gmail.com
Manager: bookingsJeffmusic@gmail.Com
Q: So mr Jeff or better still, DJ Jeff, are you currently signed into any record label? Or are you working for someone or you are just independent? Because I no for you to have this dream of helping the young ones, you must have worked or be working under some one
A: Thanks for that question, I DJ Jeff is currently working with SWAGCITY RECORDS, I am the official DJ of Swagcity, I signed a deal with them few months ago that’s about a year now
Q: So how come you are under somebody and you also have your own studio, how did u manage both?
A: We have d deed of agreement, if what I do aside my duty didn’t affect my Performance with Swagcity I don’t think we have problem, like a said earlier, I got Signed into Swagcity few months ago (1 year now ) and I founded DEE JAY JEFF ENTERTAINMENT WORLD in the year 2015 that means I also have my own before I got signed in and they (SWAGCITY RECORDS) already know I have my company but the agreement was that I shouldn’t let mine distract my attention and service to theirs which it haven’t at all affected my services with them
Q: since 2015 that you business was created or founded, have there been any sort of shut down? Or challenges
A: If you had ask if there was any shut down I would say a capital leter NO but if you say any sort of challenges it will also say a capital leter YES because life itself is challenging, if Nigeria as a Country could be facing challenges how much more is a company?, well, I initially have problem of management. Not from me but from my staff, you no we just came up, our site at a time became dulmat, d blogger wasn’t doing his job and my producer just does what he feels like so much more but I really thank God for where we are now, it’s been God all through to this present moment
Q: How did you over come the problem of your blogger and Producer?
A: when I had given series of advice and it yield no fruit, I had to sack them because I didn’t or haven’t actually sign an agreement with them, I wanted monitoring them for four months before I could fully incorporate them into the company fully, I sacked them and brought in some more hardworking boys and girls through the help of my childhood friend who met well for me
Q: Can you tell us about that your friend?
A: Sure, he is by Name Odion Favour E. Although he is not fully into music but he has what it takes to lead a group, I called him one day while he was in school and told him how my business is gradually crumbling, he instructed that I Sack the persons involved and I should employ fresh heads, but at that junction I was totally confused, because in one hand my dad Mr Sammy wants me to come into his line of business and on the other hand, my own business is crumbling. I asked him if he had anybody I will use in replacing them in mind but he laughed and said “you know I don’t do music nor blog na” I told him but hence he’s in school it’s very easy to find students who can handle it but he said sure but there won’t be total commitment cox of academics, at this junction I was shot of words and ended the call
I called back and told him to help me manage d site until I get a replacement, at first he refused but later accepted and my site came alife with d jokes, news,music and videos he was posting, so when I say how the traffic had suddenly increased I pleaded that he be the manager while I get people under his supervision and he recommended some and I did same.
Q: Mr Jeff, what advice would you give to the young out there?
A: Well!, to the young I will say work harder until your hustle Pays, I will also tell them that, it doesn’t matter how slowly they go but as long as they did not stop, they will sure get there.
Interviewer: Thank you Mr Jeff for inspite of you tight schedule, you made yourself available to be interviewed
DEE JAY JEFF: This is what I was called to do, if this medium would make one or two youth out there no their Potentials, them I shall be doing it when even you call
A bigger thank you to you the host, I shall look forward to be here again.
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